Hatakeyama, N., Shimizu, Y. and Masuyama, T., Pressure Drop and Determination of Characterizing Coefficients for Pseudoplastic Fluid Laminar Flow in Concentric Annuli, J. MMIJ, vol.133, no.7, pp.157-164, (2017)
Shimizu, Y., Kato, T., Fukuda, K., Kiyono, F. and Narita, H., A Numerical Study on Flow Assurance of Methane Hydrate Production Systems – 2nd Report: Bonding Model Considering Contacting Time and Phase Change Rate –, J. MMIJ, vol.131, no.7, pp.449-458, (2015)
Shimizu, Y., Masuda, K. and Sadakane, T., Multi-Visco-Elastic Contact Model in Discrete Element Method - Numerical Simulations of Margarine's Dynamics during Manufacturing Process -, J. Society of Rheology Japan, in press (2014)
Sakai, N., Kusumoto, S. and Shimizu, Y., Numerical Simulations of Middle-high Viscous Magma Extrusion by Means of Discrete Element Modeling, J. Volcanological Society of Japan, vol. 58, no. 4, pp.551-555 (2014)
Sato, Y., Kiyono, F., Ogasawara, K., Yamamoto, Y., Satou, T., Hirabayashi, S. and Shimizu, Y., An Experimental Study on the Dynamics of a Rising Methane Bubble Covered with Hydrates, J. MMIJ, vol.129, no.4, pp.124-131, (2013)
Shimizu, Y., Morikawa, T., Kiyono, F. and Narita H., A Numerical Study on Flow Assurance of Methane Hydrate Production Systems -Coarse Grid Thermal-Fluid Coupling Scheme in Discrete Element Method with Phase Change Algorithm-, J. MMIJ, vol.129, no.1, pp.11-20, (2013)
Shimizu, Y., Ito, H., Sadakane, T. and Yamaguchi T., Multi-Visco-Elastic Contact Model in Discrete Element Method -Application to Margarine's Process Engineering-, J. Society of Rheology Japan, vol. 40, no. 5, pp.257-266, (2012)
Shimizu, Y., Microscopic Numerical Model of Fluid Flow in Granular Material, Geotechnique, vol.61, no.10, pp.887-896, (2011)
Shimizu, Y. and Inagawa, Y., Numerical Study on Liquefaction Using Discrete Element Method with Microscopic Fluid Coupling Scheme, JSCE/C, vol.66, no.4, pp.800-813, (2010)
Shimizu, Y. OCHIAI, H. and OKADA, Y., DEM Simulations of Debris Flow Using Microscopic Fluid Coupling Scheme, JSCE/C, vol.65, no.3, pp.633-643, (2009)
Shimizu, Y., The DEM Simulations Including Natural and Forced Convection Heat Transfer and Conduction Heat Transfer, Proceedings of Discrete Element Methods 07, (2007)
Shimizu, Y.,Three-Dimensional Simulation Using Fixed Coarse-Grid Thermal-Fluid Scheme and Conduction Heat Transfer Scheme in Distinct Element Method, Powder Technology, vol.165, pp.140-152,(2006)
Shimizu, Y., A Fixed Coarse-Grid Thermal-Fluid Scheme and a Heat Conduction Scheme in the Distinct Element Method, Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow III, vol.1, No.1, pp.241-250, (2005)
Shimizu, Y., Hart, R. and Cundall, P., "Numerical Modeling in Micromechanics via Particle Methods -2004, (2004), Balkema
Shimizu, Y. and Cundall, P., "Three-Dimensional DEM Simulations of Bulk Handling by Screw Conveyors", ASCE (The American Society of Civil Engineers), J. of Eng. Mech., vol.127, no.9, pp.864-872, (2001)
Dr. Yoshiyuki SHIMIZU |
1983, 3.
1983, 4.- 1998, 3
日立造船(株) 技術研究所勤務
1994, 8.
工学博士 大阪大学機械工学科
1998, 4. - 2000, 3.
アメリカミネソタ大学土木工学科 ポストドクトラルフェロー
2000, 4. - 2005, 3.
ITASCA Consulting Group, Inc.(アメリカミネソタ州)勤務
2005, 4. -
東海大学海洋学部,教授 |