東海大学自然史博物館研究報告 第4号

野口 博氏寄贈貝類標本目録

波部忠重・増田 修

152p., 1-4 Plates, 1990年3月発行

Catalogue of the Molluscan Shells donated by Mr. Hiroshi Noguchi to the Natural History Museum, Tokai University
Tadashige Habe and Osamu Masuda

Science Report of Natural History Museum, Tokai University, No.4
152p., 1-4 Plates, March, 1990


 Mr. Hiroshi Noguchi is one of the eager shell collectors in Japan. When he was the staff of Kochi Prefecturel Fisheries Experimental Station from 1938 to 1947 and the director of Hamana-ko Branch of Shizuoka Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station from 1947 to 1963, he collected many shells chiefly caught by dragnet in the Tosa Bay, Shikoku and the Enshu-nada, Central Honshu, including five new species, namely, Buccinum noguchii Habe et Ito, 1955, Zeuxis noguchii (Habe, 1958), Musashia noguchii (Hayashi, 1960) and Microglyphis noguchii Kuroda, 1961.
 As the ceremony of his 80th birthday, he donated all his shell collection to the Natural History Museum of Tokai University in 1988.
 This is the catalogue of his collection consisting of 1903 species and subspecies and 9828 specimens, including seven new species and subspecies, namely Stilifer akahitode, Plesiotrochus parcus nipponkiensis, Simplicifusus noguchii, Daphnella angulata (Kuroda MS.), Daphnella senivarcosa, Clathroscala tosaensis and Amaea noguchii, described herewith.


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