Visiting Lecture

We offer high school students and junior high school students an opportunity to learn about Robotics, Underwater Robotics, Shimizu Campus at Tokai University and Course of Ocean Engineering. We give lectures for the students and demonstrate our underwater robots.

Visiting Lecture

On-Campus Events & Open-Ship Events

We present our underwater robots and research activities at on-campus events and open-ship events. You can learn more about Shimizu Campus and Tokai University on campus and aboard the research and training vessel "Bousei-Maru".

On-Campus and Open-Ship Events

Educational Events in Ishigaki Island, Japan

We conducted educational events in Ishigaki Island, Japan to encourage the local students to learn more about ocean environment. In one of the events, the local students built underwater observation robots by themselves and learned about ocean environment using the robots. In another event, we took the high school students to nearby an underwater cultural heritage site and they learned about the heritage using our robot, K-chan.

These educational events and research were funded by the Coastal Area Capability Enhancement in Southeast project.

Environmental Education Event

Robot Exhibition

Our robot, K-chan, and research posters were exhibited at Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum and Yaeyama museum in Ishigaki City, Japan. One of the robots, CoCo, was exhibited at Lake Biwa Museum.
We also joined the Academic & Science fair and kid-friendly events in Shizuoka, and demonstrated educational underwater robots.

Robot Exhibition at Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum

Educational Robotics Seminar

Kawamura Lab., Shibata Lab. and Sakagami Lab. hold an educational robotics seminar to encourage undergraduate students to learn more about robotics. They learn hardware design, programming, and presentation skills in this seminar.

Educational robotics seminar