Researchmap (Japanese version)




Koichi Shintani
, Ph.D.
Professor of Maritime Logistics

Department of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering
School of Marine Science and Technology
Tokai University
E-mail: here

Postal address: 3-20-1 Orido, Shimizu, Shizuoka 4248610 Japan
Tel: +81-54-3

Research interests
- Container fleet management
- Containership routing
- Ship deployment and relevant issues in container shipping

Research and professional experience
Apr. 2024 - present Research Fellow at Graduate School of Maritime Science, Kobe University, Japan.
Apr. 201
9 - present Full Professor at School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University, Japan.
Oct. 2023 - Mar. 2024 Visiting Professor at Graduate School of Maritime Science, Kobe University, Japan.
Apr. 2013 -
Mar. 2019 Associate Professor at School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University, Japan.
Aug. 2018 - Sep. 2018 Visiting researcher at Department OTB-Research for the Built Environment, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Mar. 2014 - Mar. 2014 Visiting Professor at International School of Education, Vietnam Maritime University, Vietnam.
Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2013 Associate Professor at the Department of Shipping Technology, Oshima National College of Maritime Technology, Japan.
Oct. 2008 - Mar. 2009 Visiting researcher at OTB
Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2008 Assistant Professor at the Department of Shipping Technology, Oshima National College of Maritime Technology, Japan.
Apr. 1996 - Mar. 2005 Research Associate at the Department of Shipping Technology, Oshima National College of Maritime Technology, Japan.

Ph.D. Kobe University, 2005.
M.Eng. Kobe University of Marcantile Marine, 1996.
B.Eng. Kobe University of Marcantile Marine, 1994.

Articles (2005-)
(1) Nishimura, E., Papadimitriou, S. Shintani, K., Imai, A., Environmental challenge of vehicle dispatching in marine container drayage,
Annals of Operations Research, 2024.
(2) Shintani, K., Nishimura, E., Imai, A., Economic benefits of deploying foldable containers: Reducing bunker
and container management costs in multi-port shipping network, Transport Problems
19(2), pp.67-80, 2024.
(3) Shintani, K., Nagaiwa, K., The impacts of operation method and departure-time in a multi-port pusher-barge system, Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation 145, pp.29-38, 2021. (in Japanese)
(4) Shintani, K., Nagaiwa, K., Pusher tug and barge scheduling problem in a shuttle service with a short-range distance, Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation 143, pp.1-8, 2020. (in Japanese)
(5) Ogawa, H., Imai, A., Shintani, K., Nishimura, E., The effect of geographical factor on the use of combinable containers, Proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, pp.1261-1265, 2020.
(6) Shintani, K., Konings, R., Nishimura, E., Imai, A., The impact of foldable containers on the cost of empty container relocation in the hinterland of seaports, Maritime Economics & Logistics 22(1), pp.68-101, 2020.
7) Shintani, K., Konings, R., Imai, A., Combinable containers: A container innovation to save container fleet and empty container repositioning costs, Transportation Research Part E 130, pp.248-272, 2019.
(8) Nishimura, E., Shintani, K., Imai, A., Vehicle dispatch problem with precedence constraints for marine container drayage, Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, pp.56-60, 2018.
9) Shintani, K., Imai, A., An analysis of the economic viability of combinable containers in a liner shipping network between two ports, Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation 137, pp.27-36, 2017. (in Japanese)
10) Nishimura, E., Shintani, K., Papadimitriou, S., Improvement effects on marine container drayage by the optimization approach with precedence constraints, Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation 137, pp.66-74, 2017. (in Japanese)
11) Nagaiwa, K., Shintani, K., Tanaka, Y., Takahashi, Y., The moving store routing problem for a sustainable grocery supply chain: A case of Osakikamijima, Journal of Japan Logistics Society 25, pp.71-78, 2017. (in Japanese)
12) Tanaka, Y., Nagaiwa, K., Shintani, K., Matsuo, T., A location planning problem of inland container depots in western Japan, Journal of Japan Logistics Society 24, pp.65-72, 2016. (in Japanese)
13) Shintani, K., Nagaiwa, K., Tanaka, Y., Matsuo, T., The effect of large containership and slow steaming on domestic feeder service network in Japan, Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation 133, pp.50-57, 2015. (in Japanese)
14) Nagaiwa, K., Matsuo, T., Shintani, K., Tanaka, Y., An analysis on the collection of container cargoes by the domestic feeder service: Focusing on export container flows from west Japan, Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation 132, pp.36-43, 2015. (in Japanese)
15) Shintani, K., Konings, R., Imai, A., The effect of foldable containers on the costs of container fleet management in liner shipping networks, Maritime Economics & Logistics 14(4), pp.455-479, 2012.
16) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Nagaiwa, K., Tanaka, Y., Empty container management with the vehicle routing problem on foldable containers in hinterland transport, Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management Vol.68, No.5, pp.841-849, 2012. (in Japanese)
17) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Effects of rising fuel costs on container shipping networks, Proceedings of the International Conference on Marine Simulation and Ship Maneuverability (MARSIM 2012), 2012.
18) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Effect of rising fuel costs on container shipping networks, Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management Vol.67, No.3, pp.367-375, 2011. (in Japanese)
19) Shintani, K., Konings, R., Imai, A., The impact of foldable containers on container fleet management costs in hinterland transport, Transportation Research Part E 46(5), pp.750-763, 2010.
(20) Shintani, K., Konings, R., The impact of foldable containers on container fleet management costs in liner shipping networks, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (T-LOG 2010), CD-ROM, 2010.
(21) Imai, A., Shintani, K., Papadimitriou, S., Multi-port vs. Hub-and-Spoke port calls by containerships, Transportation Research Part E 45(5), pp.740-757, 2009.
(22) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Nishimura, E., Papadimitriou, S., The container shipping network design problem with empty container repositioning, Transportation Research Part E 43(1), pp.39-59, 2007.
23) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Nishimura, E., Papadimitriou, S., Constructing container shipping networks with empty container repositioning among calling ports - A genetic algorithm approach, Proceedings of the 12th International Association and comprises Institutes of Navigation World Congress 2006 International Symposium (IAIN 2006) on GPS/GNSS Vol.2, pp.157-164, 2006.
(24) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Nishimura, E., Papadimitriou, S., A genetic algorithm based approach to constructing container shipping networks with empty container repositioning among calling ports, Infrastructure Planning Review, Vol.22, JSCE, pp.451-460, 2005.

International conference talks (2006-)
(1) Shintani, K., Takashima, H., Nagaiwa, K
., Nishimura, E., Impact of foldable container implementation on vehicle operations: Focusing on folding times, 33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2024), Copenhagen, Denmark, Jul. 2024.
) Shintani, K., Nagaiwa, K., Nishimura, E., Empty container repositioning using foldable containers in land transportation: Trade-off between bundles tiers and waiting time, The 13th International Conference of Logistics & Transport 2023 (ICLT2023), Helsinki, Finland, Sep. 2023.
3) Shintani, K., Nishimura, E., Imai, A., The impact of foldable containers on saving containership bunker costs, 20th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress (LMSCM2022), Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 2022.
(4) Ogawa, H., Imai, A., Shintani, K., Nishimura, E., The effect of geographical factor on the use of combinable containers, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2020), Singapore, Dec. 2020.
5) Shintani, K., Konings, R., Imai, A., The container fleet sizing and management problem by using combinable containers, 9th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS 2019), Singapore, Aug. 2019.
(6) Nishimura, E., Shintani, K., Imai, A., Vehicle dispatch problem with precedence constraints for marine container drayage, 2018 IEEE International Conference of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2018), Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2018.
7) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Malchow, U., A container fleet sizing problem with combinable containers in liner shipping between two ports, 7th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS 2017), Bergen, Norway, Aug. 2017.
8) Shintani, K., Nishimura, E., Konings, R., Imai, A., The impact of foldable containers for simultaneous truck routing of loaded and empty containers in hinterland transport of seaports, 27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2015), Glasgow, United Kingdom, Jul. 2015.
9) Shintani, K., Ishihara, Y., Konings, R., Imai, A., The empty container relocation problem with foldable containers on cost saving for hinterland transport of seaports, The 5th International Conference on Logistics & Transport 2013 (ICLT 2013), Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 2013.
10) Shintani, K., Ishihara, Y., Konings, R., Imai, A., The impact of empty container relocation with foldable containers on cost savings for hinterland transport of seaports, 26th European Conference on Operational research (EURO|INFORMS MMXIII), Rome, Italy, Jul. 2013.
11) Shintani, K., Ishihara, Y., Konings, R., Imai, A., The impact of foldable containers on a vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery, The 2012 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS 2012), Bremen, Germany, Aug. 2012.
12) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Effects of rising fuel costs on container shipping networks, The International Conference on Marine Simulation and Ship Maneuverability (MARSIM 2012), Singapore, Apr. 2012.
13) Shintani, K., Konings, R., Imai, A., The impact of foldable containers in liner shipping, 5th Scientific Conference 'Economy and Efficiency? contemporary solutions in logistics and production' (OiE 2010), Slesin, Poland, Nov. 2010.
14) Shintani, K., Konings, R., The impact of foldable containers on container fleet management costs in liner shipping networks, The 3rd International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (T-LOG 2010), Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 2010.
15) Shintani, K., Konings, R., Imai, A., The cost effects of foldable containers on empty container management, Proceedings of the 4th Asia Cooperative Technology and Education Conference (ACOT4), pp.29?34, Yamaguchi, Japan, Oct. 2009.
) Shintani, K., Konings, R., Imai, A., The impact of foldable containers on empty container management, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2009), Bonn, Germany, Jul. 2009.
) Shintani, K., Konings, R., Imai, A., The cost effects on empty container management with foldable containers in hinterland transportation, The International Symposium for Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain Systems 2009 (MLOG 2009), Singapore, Apr. 2009.
) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Wang, Y., Container shipping network problems with container management and competition among shipping companies for Mega-ship era, 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Sandton, South Africa, Jul. 2008.
) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Papadimitriou, S., Container shipping network problems with container management for Mega-ship era, The Conference on Global Maritime & Intermodal Logistics 2007, Singapore, Dec. 2007.
20) Shintani, K., Imai, A., Nishimura, E., Papadimitriou, S., Constructing container shipping networks with empty container repositioning among calling ports - A genetic algorithm approach, The 12th International Association and comprises Institutes of Navigation World Congress 2006 International Symposium (IAIN 2006) on GPS/GNSS, Jeju, South Korea, Oct. 2006.

Journal referee service
(1) Transportation Research Part B, Elsevier
(2) Transportation Research Part E, Elsevier
(3) Maritime Policy & Management, Taylor & Francis
(4) OR Spectrum, Springer
(5) Soft Computing, Springer
(6) Omega, Elsevier

(7) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE
(8) International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier

(9) Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Springer
(10) Naval Research Logistics, John Wiley & Sons
11) Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Springer
12) Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, Taylor & Francis
13) Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Elsevier
14) Transport, Taylor & Francis
15) Frontiers of Computer Science in China, Springer
6) Journal of the Operational Research Society, Palgrave Macmillan
7) International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Inderscience
8) International Journal of of Logistics Systems and Management, Inderscience
(19) Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, IOS Press

20) Research in Logistics & Production, Publishing house of Poznan University of Technology